December 09, 2010

House With One Light

Right outside of Yonkers over near Executive Blvd. there is this house that no one lives in. So now I bet your thinking ok who cares? Well in this house that no one lives in is candle that has remained lit for what seems like years. Whenever I drove by the house and looked up at the window that candle would be shining while everything else in the house was dark. The door was even blocked off. It is very clear looking at the house from the outside that it is abandoned. I cannot explain who lights the candle or why it’s lit or even how it seems to always remain lit. It has always been a mystery to me. It is just very strange and the house with the one light on has become quite the urban legend where I live. No one can explain it but we know one thing is for sure, when we drive by that house and look in the upstairs window a light will be shining.