November 29, 2010

Buckout Road

Want to know the creepiest road to drive on with some of the biggest houses? Visit Buckout Road in White Plains, NY. This is a road that has tons of spooky stories attached to it. The first time I went to the road it was a foggy night and my friends and I were bored so we thought “why not lets go to Buckout Road and have nightmares for the next month.” Well that night we couldn’t even drive down the street 100 feet because you could not see a thing due to the fog. The street had barely any lights on it! Creep factor #1. Another day when we ventured out it was daylight so the darkness was not a factor. The houses on the beginning of the street are huge mansions it’s almost like a facade because as you keep driving you begin to become surrounded by woods, Creep Factor #2. Oh and not to mention there are houses in those woods and a random tombstone that reads “John Buckout” on it. Creep factor 3 and 4. Keep traveling and you will reach the house that if you reportedly honk in front of a crazy guy will come out and chase you. I have never done this but I have seen a youtube video of it happening to a group of kids if you youtube buckout road there are a few videos on it. To this day this road creeps me out, but the thrill of it all keeps me wanting to go back!

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