November 16, 2010

Untermyer Park

The hair rises up on the back of your neck and suddenly your cold.  Your home alone yet you hear footsteps. The lights suddenly turn off and on. Then your dog starts barking at the wall. These could all be signs a spirit or ghost is present or it could mean: A) you should put a sweater on and get your heat checked. B) Maybe the footsteps are coming from the apartment above. C) You need a new light bulb. Or D) its time to take the dog for a walk. I agree that the mind can sometimes play tricks on us, but I also believe in spirits. I have even had the opportunity to visit a few reportedly haunted locations close to where I live in Yonkers, NY. One of those locations is Untermyer Park. Growing up there were so many stories about the park. Some said that cults would hang out there at night and make animal sacrifices. Others had said that the Son of Sam’s Devil cave was located in the park and that he use to spend his time there. One fall day my friend came up with the idea to visit the park, of course I was curious so I said sure. The park looks creepy from the outside, but as I walked into the park I was amazed at how beautiful it was. There was a gazebo, staircases, flowers, and stone paths. It looked like something out of a wedding book. Believe it or not people actually book the park for their wedding day to take photos. Now with all this beauty I felt there was something a bit off. There was a fence located in the park that blocked off what appeared to look like caves. This gave me an eerie feeling. There was also what appeared to look like markings on the walls of the caves. Unfortunately I was unable to walk to the caves because of the fence. So in conclusion haunted? Not so sure, but I wouldn’t go there at night! You could just sense that the park had a lot of history to it. The park’s silence seemed so loud.


  1. I just went there last night. CREEPIEST SHIT EVER!So its me and 2 others smoking at the middle section of the stones under the gazebo when all of the sudden an animal starts screaming like it was being killed or something. It went on for a while and when we started walking towards the parking lot it got closer and louder. It was so scary and then eventually I took off my sandals and ran for it. We even saw deers running away from there. Like there was seriously an animal getting tortured in the woods. NEVER AGAIN. Its beautiful in daytime but at night time you really don't want to mess with that.

  2. Anonymous, you're a nut job.

    1. My brother and friends saw animal like a bull running towards them and ghosts ...cloaked figure coming up from the endless stair case's scary stuff at night

  3. Lisa, check out my webpage on Untermyer Park...
